Now what is it you do?

Ah, that age old question that comes firing back at you when meeting someone for the first time, or as you network with others in a business or social setting.  In the past couple of years, I must confess that I have struggled with how to answer that question as it relates to work.   You see, I work in several different areas, some of which are related and some of which are totally unrelated.  Am I a business dude, consultant, a web designer, bookkeeper, budget coach, picture framer, musician?  Never mind that last one…as lots of folks will readily testify! The truth is, I like doing all of those of things.Photo of NetMenders booth

Now, back to how to answer the original question.  It finally came to me.  I like to help ministries, businesses, churches and individuals improve how they do things so that they can do more to further the Kingdom.  How about you – what is it you do – and why are you passionate about it? 

The second question is very much related to the first one.  “Who do you work for?” is usually how it’s phrased.   Since April 15th has just passed, the news outlets all seem to publish the obligatory story that we are working for the IRS until April XX of each year and then we can work for ourselves.  That’s not exactly right, either.

Colossians 3:23 tells us “Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord, rather than for men…”

While my paycheck may come through XYZ Company or ABC Church, etc.,  I actually work for the Lord.  Makes you think, doesn’t it!

How about you – for whom do you work?